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Michael S. Berger
Associate Professor, (On Leave)
S210 Callaway Memorial Center

María M. Carrión
Chair, Department of Religion. Professor of Religion and Comparative Literature
S215 Callaway Memorial Center

William K. Gilders
Associate Professor
S205 Callaway Memorial Center

Ellen Gough
Associate Professor
S222 Callaway Memorial Center

Pamela M. Hall
Coordinator, Honors Program. Associate Professor
S212 Callaway Center

James Hoesterey
Associate Professor. Winship Distinguished Research Professor of Religion (2019-2022)

Gary M. Laderman
Goodrich C. White Professor of American Religious History and Cultures, Department of Religion
S204 Callaway Memorial Center

Deborah E. Lipstadt
Dorot Professor of Modern Jewish History and Holocaust Studies, Tam Institute for Jewish Studies and Department of Religion, (On-Leave)
N222E Callaway Memorial Center

Sara McClintock
Associate Professor
S220 Callaway Memorial Center

Lobsang Tenzin Negi
Teaching Professor, Department of Religion. Executive Director, Center for Contemplative Science and Compassion-Based Ethics, (On Leave Sp 25)
S223 Callaway Memorial Center

Alicja Podbielska
Visiting Assistant Professor of Holocaust and Antisemitism Studies, Tam Institute for Jewish Studies and Department of Religion
N22A Callaway Memorial Center

Devaka Premawardhana
Winship Distinguished Research Associate Professor of Religion
S208 Callaway Memorial Center

Eric Reinders
Director of Undergraduate Studies. Associate Professor
S213 Callaway Memorial Center

Kate Rosenblatt
Jay and Leslie Cohen Assistant Professor of Religion and Jewish Studies, Department of Religion and Tam Institute for Jewish Studies
S218 Callaway Memorial Center

Don Seeman
Associate Professor, Department of Religion and Tam Institute for Jewish Studies
S206 Callaway Memorial Center

Dianne M. Stewart
Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Religion and African American Studies
S219 Callaway Memorial Center

Shiv Subramaniam
Assistant Professor
S201 Callaway Memorial Center

Javier Villa-Flores
Associate Director, Graduate Division of Religion. Associate Professor
S211 Callaway Memorial Center